How it works
First Find the files you want to zip to send.
Zipping the files makes it easier to send.
Hold the right mouse button down, start at the bottom
and drag the mouse up until all are highlighted. Release the button.
Right click the mouse more menu appears.
Go down to Winzip, wait, accross to Add To
whatever the folder name is is default.
Done with that for a min.
Go to
You can sign up - free - and verfiy your email. v
Then your address will always be there when you come back
I add my email to have it sent to me when uploaded then I resend it out.
You can skip that and put the person you are sending to in the area it shows in red.
From me to me
Drag and drop your zip file to the wetransfer window
Let go of the button and click on TRANSFER
Wait till it tells you it is done befor closing the window.
Open your email.
The transfer should be there,
scroll to the bottom and forward to who ever you like.