Cut Away

Open the svg in SCAL
Click on File/Export/A window will pop up
asking where to export it and what type you want to export.
Drop down the box and pick .png

When the next window pop up
use the setting shone below

And here.  Once set they usually stay until changed again.

Open the moon in Paint Shop Pro

Click on the A for text.  Type the L and place as you want.
Notice the plus box in front of the L layer it is highlighted (active)
the other layer is the moon layer
Right click on that 1st highlighted layer and convert to raster

Now that plus box is gone.  It's raster now

Click on the magic wand

And select the L
It should have a marquee (marching ants) around the L

Now click on the 2nd layer the moon layer
and click on the scissors to cut the marquee shape on the moon layer.
Now click on the layer 2 again L layer  And delete it.
Icon right before the scissors

Selections/ Select None
(Marching Ants)

There you go.
File/Save/as a png

That's it!

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