Using SCAL to Enlarge a Multi-layer SVG
Import/SVG or Png Into SnC.
Notice the layers in the bottom right corner.
Drag each layer to the upper left corner.
If you can't get the layer just click on it in the layer palette
Get the layers as you want. They should 'snap' together.
Like this
Hold the CTRL button Down - Click A--- or--- Edit/Select All
Notice the size this is a 12 x 12 sheet.
With all layers selected (blue) Click on the corner/drag out OR
Type in the size you want on the right hand palette
Now to save. I would click in the lock area. This locks the size.
Turn off the 'eye' to all layers but the one you are saving.
To save the exact size I would save each layer as a FCM file for the Scan N Cut
I hope this tutorial helps you!
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