Make a Watermark
Open a new image. File - New -
I start with 12x12 then crop it later - Resolution 100
Click on the Text Tool -Shown here- The text window pops up
And you see where you can change the font and size also.
When you are changing anything you need to highlight the text so it is active.
Like here - highlighted
Click Apply. Now you see your text has handles around it.
It is in Vector mode. Meaning you can resize it and the lines and corners will be nice and sharp.
So size as you like.
Now Right click the mouse to get this menu. We do this action a lot
Click Convert to Raster. If this is grayed out, you're not on the correct layer
C"lick on the Selection tool. If you dont see the selecti0on box, drop the arrow down. it is there.
Using the Selection Box - surround the text as shown 3
Click on the text so the Marquee is active as shown below.
Right click ON the layer click on Delete
Now you should just see the Marquee
Stay here with me.... :)
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
The eyes mean when depressed, you will see changes in real time
the Offset is how far the shadow will be from the selection
Opacity is how transparent the shadow is.
And Blur is well, how fuzzy the shadow is.
This is how I usually set mine